Tower Tech

  • HVAC Equipment
  • Data Center Solutions
  • Hydronics

  • Colorado

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Welcome to Tower Tech, home of the world’s most efficient cooling tower. Tower Tech is the leading manufacturer of products that effectively bridge the gap between sustainability and energy efficiency. Tower Tech offers the highest quality products with patented technology providing innovative solutionsfor discerning owners, engineers, and contractors. Tower Tech differentiates itself with its superior, modular cooling tower design which delivers better cost efficiency, industry lowest life-cycle costs, greater durability and industry leading sustainability. The Modular factory assembled cooling towers are easier, faster and less costly to install. Tower Tech cooling towers significantly reduce owners’ operating costs, offer superior maintenance and safety characteristics, and provide better mechanical reliability and redundancy and longer service life than cooling towers of conventional design. Tower Tech cooling towers reduce the volume and cost of chemicals used to treat the recirculating water loop and offer energy opportunities not available with other cooling tower designs.