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  • Specialty Duct
  • Flexible Duct

The #1 Flexible Duct In the World

Thermaflex is a global leader in the flexible duct product industry for both commercial and residential HVAC applications. Founded in 1953, the company has experienced significant growth and now has a team of more than 200 employees that work across four strategically-located, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. Our most recent expansion is a new Phoenix, Arizona facility.

As part of the Flexible Technologies Group, Thermaflex continues to lead the way in developing innovative products that meet the market’s needs, enabling professionals to be more productive and more profitable.

For other HVAC related equipment, visit our sister company Tutco.

Why Choose Thermaflex?

Thermaflex is built stronger to last longer. When you choose Thermaflex, you’re backed by a company with more than 60 years of flexible duct experience. We offer the most comprehensive product line of flexible duct products, ideal for offices, schools, hospitals, industrial and other commercial installations. No other flexible duct manufacturer can match our warranty protection.

The Best Warranty in the Business

Thermaflex offers a full 10 Year Warranty—the strongest in the business—on its Thermaflex Pro Series products. Our 10 Year Pro Warranty ensures that all Thermaflex insulated and non-insulated products will be free from defects in material and factory workmanship for a period of 10 years from the date of manufacture. During this 10 year period, Thermaflex will cover all duct costs, material costs, and any reasonable labor costs provided the flexible duct was properly installed in accordance with our written instructions. (Ducts exposed to direct or indirect sunlight are excluded from this warranty.)

Thermaflex offers a 10 Year Warranty on its Flex-Vent® products, making them the best-backed residential line in the HVAC industry. This assures that all Flex-Vent insulated and non-insulated products are free from defects in materials and factory workmanship for a period of 10 years from the date of manufacture. The first five years of installation in the case of any warranty issue or product failure, Thermaflex will cover all duct cost, material cost and any reasonable labor cost, provided the Flex-Vent product was properly installed in accordance with our written installation. For the second five years of installation, for a maximum of ten and in the event of any Flex-Vent product failure or warranty issue, Thermaflex will make replacement of the defective duct only and no other cost will be reimbursed. (Ducts exposed to direct or indirect sunlight are excluded from this warranty.)