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  • Condensate Traps & Condensate Pans

From its humble beginnings in 1949 Raywall Products Company has been in the business of providing quality electric heat, fans, lights and controls to the industrial, commercial and residential market. Today Raywall is an industry leader in providing smart choices for any application that requires American made equipment. So for your next comfort conditioning application, call Raywall.

Today, we have developed a robust line of chemical, mechanical and firestopping products. These products are distributed through an extensive wholesale distribution network serving the plumbing, industrial, HVAC-Refrigeration, construction, electrical, and hardware market places. Our primary products include thread sealants, firestopping sealants, plastic pipe cements, anti-seize compounds, fluxes, lubricants, chemical cleaners, duct sealants, leak locators, and other specialized products. Many of these products have built a strong following among contractors due to their differentiated performance and from being the first to tackle challenges faced by the professional trade.

RectorSeal is a member of CSW Industrials. (CSWI: NASDAQ), a publicly traded, diversified industrial company.