American Wheatley

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Products & Equipment

  • Hydronic Accessories
  • Air and Dirt Separators
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Hydronic Specialties
  • Chimney and Flue Venting Systems

With more than 40 years of experience, American Wheatley HVAC brand products have established a reputation for providing dependable HVAC products and fabrication. The Plugaroo/TDV™ is an industry-standard.

In addition to our complete line of ASME bladder tanksstrainersvalve products, and parts and supplies, we are committed to bringing you the latest in HVAC technology from all over the world. This commitment is your assurance of receiving the best products the industry has to offer with our HVAC products and fabrication.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Certifications

To ensure the highest standards of quality American Wheatley HVAC Products / American HVAC Products have A.S.M.E. “U”, “UM”, and “S” Certificates of Authorization, as well as the National Board Certifications Of Authorization (R Stamp). The “U”, “UM”, and “S” stamp certification focuses on the manufacture of high-pressure components, allowing American HVAC to certify that we have followed a stringent and traceable history of all components and manufacturing processes. The “R” stamp, National Board Certificate of Authorization, covers our manufacturing facility in accordance with National Board Inspection Code 23, which encompasses the rules and guidelines for inspection, repair, and alterations of pressure vessels.

These A.S.M.E. certifications allow our company to effectively meet our customer’s stringent quality requirements and authorize us to manufacture and stamp a broad range of pressure vessels and products in accordance with the latest ASME Section VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The addition of the new American HVAC state-of-the-art vessel manufacturing facility in Broken Arrow, OK further demonstrates our commitment to supply the Hydronic industry with competitive and essential components required by our industry partners.

We look forward to a new period of growth while effectively serving our customers in the HVAC Hydronic Market. American HVAC is committed to continuous improvement ensuring that our customer’s requirements are met and backed up by a level of service necessary to operate in today’s global marketplace.