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  • Make Up Air Units
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Customer Focus
With an absolute commitment to total value, AbsolutAire is focused on meeting the most exacting customer needs for both product and service. We have a defined mission and clear mandate for excellence in all we do.

Our Mission
AbsolutAire sets the standard for leadership in direct-fired “total air management” systems. Our commitment includes value in our products and services, total support for our customers, responsibility for the environment, and dedication to the goals of our company and stakeholders.

Our Mandate
AbsolutAire’s customers are number one. We must always be looking and listening for ways to provide better service, to innovate and provide solutions that exceed expectations, and to not only do things right, but also to do the right things.

Innovative Thinking About Managing Air
With its tools, technologies, and talents firmly focused on serving three distinct markets, AbsolutAire is meeting today’s needs for cost-effective make-up air, as well as for efficient heating and ventilating. Simply, managing air.

Direct-fired make-up air (MUA) systems are widely used in kitchen and food service operations, industrial processing, paint booths, and wastewater treatment. Wherever clean, fresh air, heated or cooled, is needed for replacing fouled exhaust air, AbsolutAire has both innovation and value.

Direct-fired heating & ventilating (H&V) systems are used in commercial warehousing, distribution, storage, and exhibition or sports facilities, as well as in most every type and size of industrial manufacturing facility. Wherever heat and ventilation, or special air-management solutions are needed, AbsolutAire has the right, value-added thinking.

Indirect-fired heating & ventilating (H&V) systems for some commercial, institutional, and industrial applications are specified to meet the specific needs of the customer. AbsolutAire has developed a range of innovative solutions using the most advanced heat exchanger technologies available.

Working Together, Imagine the Possibilities
As a customer-driven, market-sensitive manufacturer of advanced direct and indirect -fired systems for both make-up air and heating and ventilating, AbsolutAire has a reputation for excellence throughout the business and industry.

This reputation is built on a solid foundation of especially strong working relationships with specifying engineers, contractors, and facility owners and operators. AbsolutAire’s customers come in most every size and type imaginable.

From local entrepreneurs through regional distributors to multinational enterprises, AbsolutAire is working with some of the biggest names in the Fortune 500 as well as some of the brightest minds in all sectors of the economy.

Best Available Technology
Setting the standard for leadership in direct-fired “total air management” systems means AbsolutAire must stretch its R&D well beyond its walls, working closely and partnering with its customers and suppliers alike to ensure a continual flow of the best available technology.

Yet, the same attention to product and service excellence, to being the best, drives innovation and optimizes quality on all of AbsolutAire’s direct-fired offerings: the best available.