Our partners at Distech have a new product on the market: ECLYPSE APEX. This HVAC/building automation systems IoT (internet of things) controller offers enhanced performance and dedicated spaces, completely open with customization of applications. With leading processing power and cloud operation, it’s a powerful solution for any commercial building owner looking for energy optimization and efficient monitoring and control over their building automation systems.

Along with multi-protocol solutions and cloud connectivity, this controller also has an open platform with the ability to identify and maximize maintenance and troubleshooting, leading to greater building efficiency, and therefore, greater energy savings. The ECLYPSE APEX supports BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, M-Bus, and BACnet/IP. It also supports up to 320 I/O points. In some cases, though not always, the ECLYPSE APEX can replace N4 JACE.

You can view a short video about ECLYPSE APEX below:

If you’re curious about switching to the ECLYPSE APEX or would like to learn more about it, reach out to your sales engineer or click the button below for new customers.