All commercial facility owners should have a management and solutions program set in place. The LONG Building Technologies offices in Montana work with many facilities directors and property owners to develop and execute programs to help ensure their commercial buildings operate efficiently, decrease costs, and keep assets safe.

Commercial HVAC Service in Montana

We offer HVAC service for equipment needs like installation and upgrades on boilers, chillers, air handling units (AHUs), roof top units (RTUs), air distribution, air filtration, and more. Our LONG team will provide a Mechanical Service Agreement that works to provide preventive maintenance on your equipment to try and forecast any unforeseen or premature failures that can prevent expensive repairs and extended downtime. Detailed reports from the scheduled preventive maintenance will let you know what condition your equipment is in and any recommended services that may be required at that time.

Commercial Building Analytics

Building analytics, or our Impact-Driven Service offering, optimizes our commercial HVAC preventative maintenance abilities. With our fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) platform, we can provide further cost savings by analyzing your building equipment and then making the necessary adjustments or recommendations to ensure its operating at peak performance. The FDD platform also allows us to forecast when equipment will be at the end of its life expectancy and plan for replacement before the equipment becomes a problem. Our goal is to find ways that help you reduce energy consumption and save you money on your operating costs while receiving the best possible conditioned air quality.

LONG Montana Building Solutions

Having a commercial facility management and solutions team that can service HVAC equipment is a benefit and cost savings to you, but with LONG that’s not all you’ll get. We also offer building automation system (BAS) designs, installs, and upgrades, along with security solutions like video management systems and door security. Unique to our Montana office are fire safety and protection solutions as well.

As our partner, we will continually support you as your building needs change, forming a bond that builds confidence and trust as our collaboration grows. If you have any questions about how a facility management program with LONG Montana could save you money, extend the life of your equipment and systems, and keep your commercial building and occupants safe, please contact us.